La Jolla Beach Block 2
LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 2.tif LA JOLLA BEACH;:i BLOCK 2-~ All Lot 3, E Lot 4, 1 sin fam res. Leon Beatty s-6 9-17-51 w Lot 41 all Lot 51 1 sin fam res # " s-5 " 11 Northerly half of Lots 6 and 7- Permit DENIED by ZA to IAN CLARKlto reconstruct a 160 sq. ft. detached garage with a 115 sq. ft, storage room addition observing a 0'-0" side and rear yard; to construct a 323.3 sq. ft. guest quarter addition above the garage v1 and storage room addition observing a 0'-0" side yard and a 0 1-011 rear yard where a 4'-0" side yard and a 4 1-0" rear yard is required by the current R-1-5 Zone. T~e guest quarter addition will also be a distance of 5'-9" from the existing dwelling where a minimum distance of 6 1-011 is required between detached I iving areas- located at 7405 Monte Vista Avenue, Zone R-1-5. CUP 18476 6-29-84