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La Jolla Beach Block 6 Card 1

LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif.--~To:,... 2....,.. 6o' Of ~.6.. Lo < 3,- 'to 11.,...... ~ aa4 Walter T', and Jlutb. M. Jamey, purcll., to aplit out parcel & erect aiag taa rea 011 coad tloor not 2' above aiclewallt grade I retaining wall be built le 5166 12/6/50./- Lot l,2,3, Perait to Xoblllloa Corp. to IIOve one-at017 frame ldlGWle vitb attacb.ed garage troa 2751 J'rontier to Por. lot l,2,3,:Ilk 6 located Soutbveet cor. Karine St. & Monte Viata. I)(ltea. 1838 1/'tt./5'4 Lot 18 S 22' Lot 17 Perait to R.J. Stirkorb to bull4 one ain. tam. reaidence Oil tbia parcel. S-341 1/9/5'4. Lot 13, 14, 15, 16., 3' Lot 17 Permit to R.C. Ju.lger to Maintain aingle f res. S-3Ji.2 l/9/5'4 Por Lot 3,Ji. & 5 Permit to J.M. Bellon to ad4 2a4 atory- b4na a, batb a44n to rea!:laving 12' rear y4 torpor, tbe reiD4er!:laving 15' rear 74, 20 tt. req., tbe addn to llave. 14' rear F.t 7334 Monte Viet, R-1, coD4 'l Caae #884 12/8/5 6 Lota 21-2~ Perait to Leonard Jfal'Y'. Janis to d4 exiat vall to of tt abOTII average of ad.J. ground level, on Sly 50' ot Lot 2l-2Ji., at 3o6 Sea Lane, Zone R-1 Case 1279 6-1'4-5 Lota 21- Penait to Leonard J. a, Maey Lou Jani to conat gar reaulting in 5 cOYerage exiat rea ob o' aideyd vb.ere It.' 11 req on tb.e Soutb 50' at 306 Bea Lane, D' cor Viata del Mar & Sea Lane, Zone Rl Caae lt.ffi 3/2/62 Lots 10, 11 & 12- Permit to Herve J. Turner to const a 17'6"x28' bedrm and bath addn to exs sfd, addn to obs at clst point an 10' front yard. 340 Sea Lane. Zone R-1-5,, Condition. C-14833, 12-23-77,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------