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Development Services

La Jolla Beach Block 6 Card 2

LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif 41."I,......... ~,.-. LA JOLLA BEACH and Portion of Lot 13 BLOCK 6-,...... QSCAAni Lots 14 and 15/- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ROBIN B. GRAHAM to construct approximately 90 1 of 5 1 high solid fence with 6 1 high columns, observing at the closest point a 4 1-611 front yard where a 3 1 high fence is permitted, at 7343 Vista Del.Mar, Zone R-1-5. Condition. AMENDED 9-20-83 C-17897 NH 2-28-83 West half of Lots 4 & 5- Permit APPROVED by ZA to GEORGE M. BEARDSLEY to construct second story addition to existing one-story, single-family dwelling to observe (1) FAR of.63 where.60 is permitted; (2) 3'-8" interior side yard where 4'-0" is re- quired; (3) 7'-8" front yard where 15 1 is required; and (4) 2'-4" rear yard where 4' is required (existing structure obs. 3'-8" interior side yard, 7'-8" front yard:1ld 2'-4" rear yard)=!1t 7336 Monte Vista Avenue, Zone R-1-5, C-18363 3-16-84 Conditions ~,..e.,n d!j-- ~L Lots 17 & 18- Agreement with Barbara Baxter to family dwelling from main unit to rear bedroom. yard. Kitchen to be removed from rear bedroom, construct a hallway to existing single- Rear bedroom has external access to rear located at 7323 Vista Del Mar, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement //4214 2-21-89