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Development Services

La Jolla Butterfiled Estates Card 1

LA JOLLA BUTTERFILED ESTATES CARD 1.tif u JOLLA eu1'1w1 f' r Er,m Lot 17- Permit to Urban J. & Loraine J. Lewis to const sinCfam res with att patio ovn- gar. Portion ot res to obs 5' rear,d where 20' is req. Residence will obs 12.61 SB in lieu of req 5' Skylark Pl. Avenida Chamnez & AYenida Allantea, a-1 Zone. Case #4966 6-15-62---------------------~---------------------- Lot 37- Permit to Irving F. & Violet Peterson to erect ret&in:lng wall ranging trom 0 1 to 6' high obs 3' SB on Avenida Amantea where me:rl DIUll 3 higb fence 1.s pera in estab It SB at 1101 Avenita Allentea, SE corner Slqlark Pl. & Avenida Allalltea, R-1-5 Zone. --- Cue 116969 2-2-65 Lot 9 (also por of Lot 5,-~eblo Lotl782)-~1tniiii0 to Robert w~ Kerns";-Owner and Marine Builders Co., Inc. to constr and operate PRD north of Fora.rd St and E of Bellevue Ave, being a por of Bird Rock City by tne Sea. Zone R-1-5. PRD #41 12-8-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 30- Permit to Robert W. Stein & Maria C. Savoia to const guest house on lot with existing slg fam dwell, guest house to obs 10' rear yd where 20' req., at 1191 Avenida Amantea, Zone R-1-8. Condit. (CUP) C-15753 3/20/79 Lots 11-26, Block 391, Lots 1-30, Block 392, Lots 1-30, Block 393, Lot I, Block 394, Lots 27-28, Block 453- Lot 9 (Portion of Lot 5- Pueblo Lot 1782)- Pennit to LA JOLLA CORONA VENTURE, a general partnership, owner, GRANTED to construct-and Qjlitl_ate a PJ_