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La Jolla Corona Estates #2 Card 5

LA JOLLA CORONA ESTATES #2 CARD 5.tif LA JOLLA COROltA IS'l'ABS UBI'l lfO. 2 Lot 118- Permit to Barry&: Marueen Tyaon to nave tne interior yard oppoaite La Jolla Corona Dr conaidered utile legal rear yard, wllere tne property line oppoaite La Jolla Rancho Road ia defined u the rear yard at 5875 La Jolla Corona Dr. Zone R-l-10.AGRD 1725 ll-29-71-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 118- Permit to Barry & Maureen Tyson to conatr bedroom and deck addn to exist sin tam dwell; addn to obs at cloeeat point 9' rear yard wnere 20 is req; at 5875 La Jolla Corona Dr at SE cor of intersect witll La Jolla Rancho Road. Zone Rl,'.).-10. Cond'l. C-10891 ll-24-71 Lot 142- Permit to Josepn B. & Joyce B. Fagot to cons~ a lower level recreation room addn wi tn pool to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 5 '4" interior s ideyd wnere 6' is req at 804 La Jolla Rancho Road betw La Jolla Corona Dr and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-10 cond 'l. C-11024 N.H. 1-17-72 L~~-158-:-p~;~,~-~~-Th~;;-D~h:h~~-~~d-Shi~:~~n-F~n-Ts~ng-t~-~o~st_a_61x161-covered-pat1o obs 11 rear yd and a 31 int sd yd and to erect approx 40 1 of 11 1 high ret wall obs a 4 1 tng sd yd and a 13' front sb at 5954 La Jolla Corona Dr. Zone R-1-10. Conditions. ~!!~~L~~;:,I~=z.z______________________________________________________________________