La Jolla Corona Estates Map 3378 Card 2
LA JOLLA CORONA ESTATES MAP 3378 CARD 2.tif.,, ~- " LA JOLLA CORONA ESTATES Map 3378 Lot 50- Permit to Robert & Christine Rens to construct a detached recreation room on lot with existing single tamily dwelling, recreation room to observe a 9' rear yard where 20' ta req at 1323 La Jolla Rancho Rd., betw Cottontail Ln & Germaine Ln, in the R-1-10 zone. c-9761 3-11-10 Lot 60- Permit to Capt. W.B. & Patricia M. Howell to const a 16 1 x 6o' accessory bldg into natural bank with patio deck on top thereof on lot with exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 5919 Germaine Ln, east of Cottontiil Ln, Zone R-1-10, condl C-9737 3-4-70 Lot 32- Permit DENIED to Williams. & Margaret J. Evans to erect approx 100' of decorative blk wall 5'6" high; wall to be on front prop line & within 20' estab SB where max 3' hign wall or fence is perm; at 1352 Rodeo Dr. betw La Jolla Rancho Road and La Jolla Mesa Dr. Zone R-1-10. fo (3 <. A_,C\., t-i&-?D C-9944 N.H. 6-23-70 ~------Gk----~--------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17- Permit to MARGARET & VICTOR to maintain a wooden deck/fence ranging in height from 3' to 7'4" with a 5' tempered glass fence on top observing O' south interior side yd at 5832 Corral Way, Zone Rl-10000, C-18535 11/13/84-----------------------------------------------------------------