La Jolla Country Club Heights Block B Card 1
LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK B CARD 1.tif-,,_,,,--,--~---~~ LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS.. BLOCK B --Lot 16 & Nly 50 1 Modern Structures to erect sin fam res on lot without full st fronta ea ountr Club Dr Res 244 J/18/53 Lot 12- Permit to De Witt H o canst addn & alter to exist res with 0 1 SB 20' reg 7244 Carrizo Dr Case 475 5/28/56 Lot 12- Permit DENIED for 0' side yd but granted 8 1 & 1 rear yd to Dewitt H Merriam at 7244 Carrizo Dr for open sundeck addn to exist res Case 682 8/13/56 for Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Geo A & Georgia A Whitney to alter & add to exist res with 8' side yd (9 1 611 req} lot divided after zoning,prior to 12/5/54 Country Club Dr & Carrizo Dr Case 2428 4/10/59 Lots 2 & 3 & por Lots 4 & 5- Permit to James T & Norma Thickstun to maintain remodel sing fam res on par split prior to 12/5/54 & erect 6 1 hi fence obs 2' SB on Carrizo Dr (II' SB req) 7237 Country Club Dr Zone R-l~C {2' SB for fence DENIED) but 6 1 APPROVED on cond that landscaping be placed along outside face of fence Case 3257 & 3258 4/8/60 Lot 12- Permit to Judge DeWitt Hand Portia R Merriam to add rm & alter exist res; rm addn to obs 5' side yd exist covered deck obs 8 1 611 rear yd perm by Case 682, as shown by A & 8 on plot plan on file where 10' side yd & 20' rear yd is req 7244 Carrizo Dr R-1-C Zone cond'l Case 5839 8/6/63 Amended to include encl of exist porch 10/16/63 Portion Lots 3 & 4- Pennit DENIED by ZA to CARLL, & CARMEN M. ENGSTROM to add to and convert existing garage to bedrooms and bath, constructing a new, attached garage observing a I' front yard and 4 1 side yard where a 20' front yard and a 6 1 side yard is required, at 7268 Carrizo, Zone R-1-10. C-16919 9-12-80