La Jolla Country Club Heights Block E Card 2
LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK E CARD 2.tif.~--,,_,,,.,II._. ~-"".._.............. ~................... ~.,........ -....,........- LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK E CARD #2 ~'(Lots 2 & 5- Permit to B. P. DILLAHUNTY was DENIED by Planning Director for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone under the regulations of the R-1-10 zone. Located on the east side of Romero Drive between Broadiaea and Remly Court. To develop the subject property. H R P #149 11-15-79 APPEAL: Planning Commission APPROVED HRP #149 on 12-28-79 Lot 14- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Conditional Use Permit sought by Davids. Casey, Jt to establish a guest quarters in a portion of an existing dwelling, located at 7304 Encelia Drive, Rl-10,000 zone, Coastal Zone. C-20295 5-26-89 Lot 'i- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Coastal Development PermiliRillside Review P.ermit/ Variance to BENJAMIN & HELEN DILLAHUNTY, & PALM HOMES, INC., to construct a single-family residence loc.ated on Romero Drive, Map. 1975, Rl-10000 Zone. CDP/HR/Variance #89-0330 9-15-89