La Jolla Country Club Heights#2 Card 1
LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS#2 CARD 1.tif.......... ~.......... ~A JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HErGHTS #2 ~(~~s _(,'.,,..~-/ S\ Lot 5- Permtt to Walter L. & Carole C. Jewell to const approx 24'x24' addn to exs sfd; obs 10' sb (wh.tch. is exs sb on house) on Country Club Drive where 20' sb is req; at 7172 Country 1 Club Drive. bet Fairway Rd. and Mimulus Dr. Zone R-J-10. Conditional. C-11200. 5-18-72. Lot 10- Permit to Rolfe & Ruth Wyer to const sfd with bar sink in living room at 7114 Country Club Drive. Zone R-1-10. AGREE #2011. 10-22-74.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Permit to Rolfe & Ruth Wyer to main exs ret wall ranging in ht from 3' to 4-4" obs at clst pt a O' fy where max 3' high wall is per in req 20' fy, at 7116 Country Club Drive. Zone R-1-1 o. C-13218 NH. 7-7-75.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 16- Permit to Brauchla Const. Co. to const sfd; (I) obs 10' fy; (2) erect 2 bridges in req ft yd, bridge to gar ranging in ht from 5' to 8 1, bridge to entry rang in ht from O' to 10' on w side of Country Club Dr., Zone R-1-10. C-13217. 8-20-75. APPEAL OF BILL MARKEY DENIED, ZA upheld (I0-31-75) Lot 16- Permit to Brauchla Cons.t. Co. to const res with bar sink in rec rm on lower floor 6920 Country Club Drive. Zone R-1-10. AGREE #2107. I0-21-75. Por Lot 12- Permit to Walter J. Pattee, Jr. to const sfd with entry deck extending 18' into req estab sb of 45' to 50' on Country Club Drive at 7106 Country Club Drive, bet Mimulus Wy. and Mint CanyonPath, Zone R-1-10. C-8336. 9-8-67. ~:z~., L,..,,_.;2._s- 7 7 (''-n.,,...~ ~-L--L- /,J,: //;.,,,., /J\.,jor Ch,,f\C:.e)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------