La Jolla Del Norte Card 1
LA JOLLA DEL NORTE CARD 1.tif ~ 'l' ' LA JOLLA DL NORT ' CARD # I 1 Lot 13 & E 22.4 1 of Lot 11 & 12 Block 13- into 2 bldg sites- PermitDEN(ED to Geo Clarke Rose, owner & Edward Dobroth, pur, N side Avenied de1la Playa 125 1 E of La Jolla Shores Dr Res 7112 1/21/53 Lot 3- Permit to F Seth & Lee J Brown to const bdrm add to sin fam res the add to obs 15 1 SB (20 1 req) 8217 La Jolla Shores Dr R-1 Case 2424 4/10/59 Ext 6 mos to expire ~/16/60 Lot 19- Permit to John K& Wilhelmina Patterson to complete 12x14 tool shed obs 22 1.~, rear yd (25' reg) 2345 Vallecitos R-1-B zone Case 2966 11/27/59 Lot 4- Permit to Corinne C Beach to const bedrm & bath add to exist non-conf single fam res, which obs 5' side yd (9' req} add to obs a 11 yd reqs erect 10' high chain link fence around tennis ct, 81 from rear prop I ine (6 1 hi perm) 2312 Vallecitos, Zone R-1B. C-3266 & 67 4-8-60 Lot 20- Permit to John G. & Marguerite Carter to maint 20' of 10' hi solid fence where a 6 1 hi fence above adj ground level is perm at 2351 Vallecitos, bet~ Calle del Cielo & La Jolla Shore Dr., Zone R-1-20, condl C-7484 11-16-65 Lot 16- Norman & Doris Trosby to convert exist gar to rumpus rm with bar sink, 2327 Vallecitos Ct., La Jolla. A-1492 7-28-67