La Jolla Farms # 2
LA JOLLA FARMS # 2.tif LA JOLLA FARMS Lots 10 & 11- Permit high solid adobe wall a max 6 1 above ground ~ ~ {' I. S , ea rd 2 I C, to Dan Murphy Co (Mrs Bernadine M Donahue, pres) to erect an 8 1 back of SB parallel to front prop I ine acro~s both lots where level is perm at 9680-96 La Jolla Farms Rd R-1-5 cond'I Case 7774 NH 6/22/66 Lot 36- AGREEMEBT #1613 to Y.C. & Luna Fung to construct studio addition witn utility sink to existing single family dwelling . Said studio addn with. utility sink will never be rented, leased or otherwise used as a separate dwelling linit and no second kitchen will ever be installed at 2660 Greentree Lane, Zone R-1-5. A-1613 11-3-69 Lot 7- Permit to William & Ethel Dre! I to erect approx. 100' reinforced concrete cribbing retain. wall rang. in ht. from 1' to 16' obs. O' rear yd. where max. 6 1 hi. wal 1 is perm. in 20' rear yd. at 9756 La Jolla Farms Rd., R-1-5 Zone C-10597 N.H. 6-23-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 62- AGREEMENT to Murray and Zel.cSa Goodman to convert existing garage to bedroan, batllrOOlll and darkroom witn sink; at 9760 Blackgold Rd. Zone R-1-5. A-1693 7-14-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Permit to Earl & Kay Gagosian to maintain exist 3 kitcb.ens in sin tam res at 9776 La Jolla Farms Road. Zone R-1-5. AOHD 1759 5-5-72---------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------Lot 21- Land Conservation Permit to Lee M. Taylor, West side La Jolla Farms Rd. 6- LC 12-24-73