La Jolla Farms Lot 26 Revised Card 1
LA JOLLA FARMS LOT 26 REVISED CARD 1.tif,.~.... A..1t.,. & ~....,..----.....,...... ~.......-- .~...... ~ ~--........-. LA JOLLA FARMS, LOT 46, REVISED CARD#. Lot 4- VARIANCE TO ROBERT L. TUREK, AND HARVEY AND LINDA NEIMAN at 9519 LA JOLLA FARMS Jo ROAD- NOT NECESSARY. MONEY REFUNDED. C-17038 Lot 5- Permit DENIED by ZA to TIHIRO AND YOKO OHKAWA to erect eight tennis court lights 18' high on an existing tennis court, at 9515 La Jolla Farms Road, Zone R-1-20. CUP 17000 11-14-80 BZA- Appeal granted and dec1sion of ZA overruled. Conditions. 1-12-81 Lot 3- AGREEMENT to DUANE V. AND DEBRA L, DEVERILL to construct a single-family dwelling with an attached guest quarters with a bar sink and an outside entrance, at 9483 La Jolla Farms Rd,, Zone R-1-20. AGREEMENT #2715 10-7-81 L-Ot 1 of Parcel Map 9059 being a portion of Lot 46- DENIED a var~ance sought by Stuart & Leah Hurwitz as requested but approved to allow for 105 10" of solid block wall to be constructed along the front property line and within the front yard adjacent to North Torrey Pines Road to a height not to exceed 6 10" as measured from grade of North Torrey Pines Road with conditions, at 9525 La Jolla Farms Road, zone Rl-20,000 and Rl-5000, C-19989 07-28-88