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Development Services

La Jolla Gables Card 3

LA JOLLA GABLES CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA GABLES,. ' Lot 43- Permit to Wm.. B. & Eileen M. Barkley to const bedrm. & entry 118.ll add to sin fam res which obs 13' rear yd (15' req) addn to obs all yd req at 433 Palomar Ave., R-2 Zone. C-3346 5-12-6o Lot 52- Genevieve Koester to convert exist gar to guest house, 444 Retaheim Way. A-1148 12-8-61 Lot 42- Permit DENIED to Walter R. & Dena Schmitt to const playroom addn to exist sin fam res; addn to obs 6' rear yd where 15 ' is req at 427 Palomar Ave., Zone R-2 c-828o 9-5-67 Lot 42- ABOVE C-828o APPEALED & appeal DENIED, decision of Z,A. is sustained & affirmed. c-8280 10-17-67 Por. Lot 19 & all Lot 20- Permit to Edgar & Margie L. Hill to constr, swim. pool on lot with existing single fam. dwell; pool to obs. 41 front yard on Fay Ave. Where 15' is req; & (2) to erect 75' of fence obs. 0' front yd. on Fay Ave. & Maintain exist. wood fence approx. 5' high on interior side prop. line obs. 0' front yd. where max. 3' high fence is perm. in 15' front yd; at 6457 Dowling Dr. bet. Vicente Way & Retaheim Way, Zone R-2. C-10564 6-30-71 Por. Lot 75- Permit to Martin R. & Doris E. Axtell to constr J8'x20' playrm addn to exist sgle fam res, addn to obs 12' frnt yd where 15' is req; 6329 Electric Ave. betw Vincente Way & Dowling Dr, Zone R-2 (Map 1993). C-11400 NH 7-31-72