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Development Services

La Jolla Gables Card 5

LA JOLLA GABLES CARD 5.tif - ti,.,~..,..r ~ .,._ LA JOLLA GABLES- CARD #5 Portions of Lots land 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to LOUIS A. AND SUSAN O. MONTROSE to convert an existing garage to a den utility room and construct 106 square foot utility room and kitchen addition to existing garage and single-family dwelling. (I) Existing garage ob- serves and addition also to observe a 611 interior side yard where 4 1 is required; and (2) addition to observe at the closest point a 7' front yard on Fay Avenue where 15' is required, (one parking space to be provided off Dowling Drive), at 6243 Dowling Drive, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-17255 6-5-81 Lot 11- ZA APPROVED request of ELLEN HALEY to replace approx. 80' of 6 1 hi fence observing 0' front yd on Fay Ave. where a max. 3' fence is permitted in the reqd. 15' front yd. at 6341 Dowling Dr., Zone R-300. C-18662 12/11/84 Lot 13- AGREEMENT with JAY & TORRIE SCHILLER to constr. 2-story addn. to existing one-story, 1st floor addn. is den, 2nd s-tory is master bedroom & bath; access to addn. thru ut i 1 i ty room at 6403 Dowling Dr., Zone R-3000. AGREEMENT #3211 12/20/84 Lot 25- Pennission is granted to ROBER!' & MARGAREr PIDI'KIN, Onwer/Pennittee for the dem:> lition and oonstruction of a Coastal Developient located at 620 Palanar Avenue, R-3000. CDP #91-0614 2/12/92.-----.