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Development Services

La Jolla Harbour Heights Card 1

LA JOLLA HARBOUR HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA HARBOUR HEIGH'l'S CARD #1 Lot 26- Permit to Tech-Bilt, Inc. to constr sin fam dwell obs 12'front yd on Cor;al Reef Ave where 15' is req and 8 1 street side yd on Soledad Mt. Rd where 10' is req. at NW cor Coral Reef Ave and Soledad Mt. Rd, Zone R-1-8. C-10347 I.H. 2-12-71 Lot 28- Permit to Tech-Bilt, Inc. to erect sin fam dwell, por to obs 12' front yard where 15' is req; at 5405 Soledad Mt. Road, Zone R-1-8,, C-10354 N,H. 3-1-71..J..o.~.a6.--B&m.1.t.-tQ. JA:' r.Jam$$_,Fr..& ~ ~.&wc.y.Fis~-tQ. aJ:!ec.t,.S..b 1-..higb. fence..ob.a,.& 5 I --sJ.deymadr-a.t.-tbs.-northwes.t. ~ G'-&:al. R&a.:L..A.vs. ..and Soledad.MOUil-tain..Baad- Zone R-1-5 Case No. 10775 (N.H.) 9-15-71 Lot 26- Permit to Dr. James F. & Mrs. Nancy Fish to erect 6 1 hi fence obs 5' st side yd where max 3' hi fence is perm in a 10' st side yd at northwest cor of Coral Reef Ave & Soledad Mtn Rd R-1-8 Zone. Case No. 10775 9-15-71 Lot 55 - Permit to Antll~ Sue Jfaon tor perm to erect 125' ot ti' bign woo4 f'ence ob 1 atreet a14ey4 Where-.x 3' bi fence ia perm in req 10' atreet a14ey4 at 1991!labia Way in the R-1-10 Zone, C-11095 B,R, 3-23'12---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------