La Jolla Hermosa #2 Block 33 Card 2
LA JOLLA HERMOSA #2 BLOCK 33 CARD 2.tif I.A JOLI.A HERMJST. NO. '11 BLOCK 33 4/1 Card 112 requested to convlr'f rear yard where 6' is 5'3" high solid fence 6206 Waverly Av, Rl- Lot 3, CUP- Hearing, Approved with conditions, by ZA, DENNIS BILDEN a shop room into a guest quarter, to maintain 6 1 10" solid fencing in max permitted and maintain 31'3" of a 2'1" high retaining wall with on top where 6' high ret wall and solid fence comb is max permitted, 5000 zone C-20252 3-24-89 Lot 3, Yard Variance approved by ZA''at BZA with conditions, STEPHEN & CLAUDIA METCALFE request to amend CUP C-20252 to construct a two-story addition to an existing dwelling at 6206 Waverly Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone C-20252 8-3-94-----------------------------------------------------------------------------