La Jolla Hermosa Block 10 Card 1
LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA HE1M)SA BLOCK 10- CARD Ill d-(Lotsl&2 de la Mesa.- Granted to Henry D. Turner, Wall 6 1 bigh on p.l. of Via del Norte & Vista Res. 51649 9-30-29----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- Condl permit to J. Russell Oliver & Glen Besnab to build an addn to a garage at 6102 La Jolla Blvd. to be used as extra sleeping room & batb; gar only 12' from center line of alley. Res. 629 6-8-44 SEE AGREEMENT #298 Lot 19- Permit to Mrs. Theodora C.Whelan to oonst fam. rm add to exist res obs 13' rear yd & post, dressing rm & pool equip obs 9' rear yd (25' req) at 391 Via del Norte, R-1 C-4779 3-15-62----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 11- AGREEMENT /1298 to J. Russell Oliver & Glen Besnab to make addn to gar whiob bas only a 12' rear yd & use as sleeping room addn bath. A-298 6-16-44----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- Permit to Donall C. and Pamela D. Alford to erect 75' of 5' high wall and gate to obs a O' front sb at 6125 Vista De La Mesa. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15601 NH. 11-7-78,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3- Condi Permit APPROVED by ZA to J.G. Lipschitz and A.F. Lipschitz to convert to guest quarters an existing 400 sq. ft., detached accessory structure on a lot with an existing single-story dwelling with attached garage, subject to cond, at 6131 Vista De La Mesa, Zone Rl-5000. C-18998 11/8/85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------