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Development Services

La Jolla Hermosa Block 15

LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 15.tif,--.;:-__.---- lJ\ JO-LL.A HERMOSA BLOCK 15 Lot 8 except a 20 1 triangular por- f> ermit to-Otto Welp to build one sing fam res \ Avenida Commercial near La Canada Ave Res 2023 1/30/47 Lot 10- Permit to John Corbin to alter exist res and maintain 2' setback from Alta way 5839 Avenida Commercial Res 2437 8/13/47 Lot 12- Permit to August & Barbara Corneliuson to move gar out of public prop and to obs 2 1 SB from Alta Way and to place the gar not closer than 3 1 to side prop line 5845 Avenida Commercial Res 2669 11/19/47 Lot 11- Permit to Walter J and Agnes E Cummings to maintain an exist concr blk wall 5' in ht with no SB from Alta Way Avenida Commercial N of Camino de la Costa Res 3334 8/11/48 Lots 7-8- Agree A;3686 Noel n Paul Stuart enclose existing deck w/J.I1ter1or access to the main house through a dressing area w/bathroan at 414 Camino de la Costa. 4-15-87 Lot 2- Agreement with ROBERT & ANNA HARELSON to convert existing two-car garage; said conversion containing recreation room, full bath and laundry room with exterior access and interior access via kitchen. Enlargement of master bedroom and full bath with interior and exterior access. Two replacement parking spaces to be proved behind established setback on existing driveway, located at 5835 La Jolla Boulevard, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement No. 4994 05/23/91