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Development Services

La Jolla Hermosa Block 3 Card 4

LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 3 CARD 4.tif IA JOLIA HERIDSA BLCCK 3- CARD #4 I.Dt 7- is granted to WlliLIAM R. SMTIH, OWner/Pennittee to add a second story addition to an existing single-family COastal Develocent located 6203 Camino De Lacosta, Rl-8000 Zone. CDP #91-0431 090491 Lot 2, Variance denied as requested but approved a 1'3" roof addition to the existir.g garage observing a 4' rear yarc'. and side yard with c:onditions, HENRY F. & CAROL H. HUNTE requested to construct a one-story addition to an existing, detachE,d two-car garage 1) observing a minimum 4' rear yard where 5' is required and 2) resulting in the existing garage observing a 4' rear and south side yard where 5' is required at 6215 Camino de la Cost.a, Rl-8000 Zone C-21354 2-23-96