La Jolla Hermosa Block 5 Card 1
LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLAHEIM> SA BLOCK 5 /.Lot 9- Permit to W.R. Berry, 301 La Canada, erect & operate res in Zone R-1, rear yd, 23' coverage 41~ Res. 66234 7-13-37 Permit to W.R. & Mabel B. Berry, 6olO Avenida Cresta, erect a 7' wall betw lots 8 & 9. Res. 69649 7-18-39 Lot ll & tbe 1'W35' of Lot 10- Permit to Jobn F. Blackie to constr a res with a SB of 18 1, Avenida Cresta betw Avenida Crotez $ Camino de la Costa. Res. 2878 2-18-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2- Permit to John Q. & Elizabeth H. Nichols to erect a gar 574 sq. ft in area witn no sideyd & a 716" rear yd, CSmino de la Costa, South of Avenida Cortez. Res. 3081 4-21-48--------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------- Lot 9 & 10, exc Nwly 35'- AGREEMENT #521 to Wilbert R. & Mabel B. Be.-y to change dimensions of a legally approved building site. A-521 1-28-48 Lot 11 & NWl.y 35' of Lot 10- AGBEEMEJT #520 to Helen S. Blackie to const sin tam res. A-520 l-28-48-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- Permit to R. G. & Suzanne Byrne to constr 7' x 18' extension to living rm of exist sgle fam dwell; addn to obs 13'6" front yd where 15' is req; & to maintain exist 3 1/2' retaining wall on front prop line where max 3' hi retaining wall is perm at 6015 Camino de la Costa, E. side of Camino de la Costa, S. of Avenida Cortez Zone R-1-5. C-11690 N.H. 12-1-72