La Jolla Hermosa Block 6 Card 1
LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA HEm> SA BLOCK 6 Lot 1- Permit to Mrs. G.W. Rubicam to erect addition to res, 10' rear yd. Res. 64112 3-3-36 Lot 5- Permit to Thos L. Shephered to build house nearer lot line than presecribed 20' Res. 5324o 3-10-30----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Permit to Thos G, Lanphier, Jr. to const addns to res obs 15' rear yd (25' req) the addns to obs yd req, 203 Via del Norte. C-1278 6-24-57 Lot 7- Permit to Robt J, Stirnkorb to const sin fam dwell with attach gar obs 20'6" setback (25' req) at 2o6 Avenida Cortez, R-1 C-2902 10-30-59 Lot 1- Permit to ThO!D&s G, & Phyllis Lanphier, Jr. DENIED requested liv rm & kitchen (2nd liv unit- guest house for servant's quarters, not to be rented) at 203 Via del Norte, SE cor Avenida Cresta & Via del Norte, Zone R-1, But APPROVED maintenance of detach bed-siting room & bath for guest house or servants quarters, without kitchen, condl c--026 4-21-61 Lot 9- Permit to Mrs. Adelina Liefgreen to constr 265 sq, ft. rec room addn to exist sin fam res with bar sink in recreation room at 214 Avenida Cortez. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2073 7-9-75-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 10- Permit to John & Donna Griffith to constr bedrm & bath addn to exist sin fam res; bay 1t1indow obs 8'3" st sideyd where 10' req, 321 Via Del Norte St., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l C-13325 N.H.-10-1-75