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La Jolla Hermosa Block 7 Card 2

LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif. LA JOI,I,A HERMOSA, Lot 4, H.W. Crosby BLOCK 7 AGREEMENT #41 CARD 12.J.. January 6, 1939 '} Lot 2- z. A. considered appl t of 'lhomas L. Ruth Shepherd to erect approx 64 of con- crete ~lock stud & stucco wall 9 ft hi within req rear yd, as shown on plans on tile in the office of the Z.D. of the P.D. where 61 hi fence or wall only is permited in req 20' rear ydJ at 345 Via Del Korte betw Avenida Cortez Vista de la Mesa Zone R-1-5. and has DEIIIED as requested but APPROVED wall with max. ht. of 8 1 C-9085 I.H. 1-28-69 Lot 3- to John & Louise S, Willett to (C-5046} construct 2' extension to front of exist gar, entension to obs 18' SB wnere the aver sB of tne block, 29.5 is req; (C-5047) exist gar obs O' sideyd, addn to obs O' sideyd, where 4'-'5' sideyd is req, at 335 Via del Norte, Zone R-1. C-5o47 7-5-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 14- AGREEMENT to Trumbull & Sallie Richard to install a bar sink in den of exist sin fam dwell at 6100 Vista de la Mesa, Zone R-1-5, 10-20-70 L~t-14-~-P;r;it-to-Rl~h;rd Arthur ERLEY and Jeane Fisher ERLEY APPROVED the erection of 57' of 6' high solid wall to observe a O' front yard where maximum 3' high wall is per- mitted in required 15' front yard, at 6100 Vista De La Mesa, Zone R-1-5. Map 1810. Case #16350 9-12-79