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La Jolla Hermosa Block 8 Card 1

LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA BERK> SA m.ocx 8 CARD. #j).. ~ Lots l & 2- Granted to H.S. Searle- addition to res, 7' from line at 6o19 Avenida Cresta Res. 68181 9-6-36 Lot 9- Permit to Dr, Edward Mitchell to erect a res with a 15' SB, W side of Vista de la Mesa, N1y of Camino de la Costa. Res. 2950 3-10-48-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Lot 6- Permit to James R, & Syden,y A. Youngson to const dwelling encroaching 1'4" into req 20' rear yd at;6003 Avenida Cresta, 1'E cor Avenida Cresta & Camino de la Costa, Zone R-1-5 C-7388 9-16-65-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Pennit DENIED by AZA to JEROLD & FELICITY PANAS to erect approximately 78' of 8 1 high stucco or wrought iron fence to observe 0 1 front yard where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in the required 15 1 front yard, at 6001 Avenida Cresta, Zone R-1-5. C-17652 NH 5-14-82 BZA- APPEAL APPROVED. DECISION OF A2A IS OVERRULED. CONDITION. 7-23-82