La Jolla Hermosa Block 9 Card 1
LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA HEIU)SA BLOCK 9 Card /1 J...\ Lot 1- Permit to Alice s. Veach, c/o 4777 Arizona st., for SB 5' p,l. on Via del Norte. Res. 64385 5-12-36 Lot 1- Permit to Alice s. Veach, c/o 4777 Arizona St. to erect a residence, 5' side yd, 5' rear yd, 25~ lot coverage. Res. 64386 5-12-36 Lot 1- Permit to Alice s. Veach to erect & operate gar & maids quarters, side yard of l' with a rear yard of 5 ' & a setback of 4' from Via del Norte, 4~ coverate 202 Via Del Norte. Res. 69120 4-4-39 Lot 7 & Ely 20' of 6- Permit to L.E. Durham to erect a res with a 13':rear yd, Via del Norte, west of La Jolla Blvd. Res. 2648 11-5-47 Lot 7 & Ely 20' of 6- Permit to L.E. Durham to construct a res with a 15' SB from Via del Norte. Res. 2649 11-5-47 E Lot 5 & all of 6, exc the E20'- Permit to Harry Thompson to construct a single family res on tnis parcel, nortn side of Via del Nate, E of Avenida Cortez, & to construct said res witn a 17' SB. Res. 2973 & 74 3-24-48-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------Ely 20' of Lot 6 & all of 7- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. L.E. Durham to construct appi-ox 50' of concrete block wall 8 1 in height along side property line, Nly side of Via del Norte, Wly of La Jolla Blvd. Res. 3441 9-22-48