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La Jolla Hermosa Lot 11 Block 1a Card 2

LA JOLLA HERMOSA LOT 11 BLOCK 1A CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA H~RMOSA BLOCK 1A ff/~.. <; CJ,cARD ~ Lot 11- ZA APPROVED request of JACK NAIMAN to constr. a SFD observing at closest point 11 I front yd where 15 1 is reqd & 0 1 interior side yd where 4; is reqd at 6106 Camino De La Cosata, ' &,TR~~~~~~/c~'.d:?._____________________________::~~:~~-------------------------~.::~~:~$ Lot 8, Reconstruction permit, approved by ZA, MS. LEE CLARK sought to reconstruct a nonconforming single family dwelling at 6160 Camino de la Costa, Rl-8000 zone C-21200 9-12-94