La Jolla Highlands
LA JOLLA HIGHLANDS.tif LA JOLLA 'H'1'GHI..ANDS-~ s \(~)'' s 1.7 Lots 14 & 15- permit to Robert & Janet Jackson to split out 2 par & erect sing fam re.; on ea S side of Inspiration Dr 200' W of 1327 lnsp Dr Res 6102 1/11/52 E 50' of Lot 12- por PL 1773- Walter E & Muriel W Borden to use this par for normal R-1-C usage with 151,38' fronJl!je on Inspiration S 382 7/25/56 Lot 13 & W 49,63 1 of Lot 12- Richard A Loomis to use parcel for normal Rl-C usage with 149.25' on Inspiration S 383 7/26/56 Lot 5- Henry & Geraldine M Kressin to install bar sink in poolside cabana 1441 lnspirat~ Dr R-1-C AGREEMENT1113 11/15/60 Lot 1- AGREEMENT 774 to Col & Mrs Glen F Jenks to const rumpus rm and workshop bldg 1 0/ /52 Lots 12 & 13- Permit to PAUL W. & JUDY R. PEPPER to erect approx 135' comb and wrought iron fence ranging in height from 4-6', at 1257 lnspirtion Dr., C-15661 brick wall R-Je::-10. 2/6/79-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 15- PIANNING DIRECI'OR GRANTED a Hillside Review/Resource Protection overlay Zone Pennit to DONAID J. BUSER to renove and relocate an existing oorre, off-site, and to construct a one-story, 4,470 sq.ft. single-family h:::lle on said vacated pad, located on Inspiration Drive, north of Avenida Chamnez, east of Inspiration Way, south of Solymar Drive, west of La Jolla Mesa Drive within the La Jolla C'.cmnunity Planning area, Map 2546, Rl-20,000 Zone. HR/RPOZ #88-0554 7-29-88 Lot 11, CDP/CUP was APPROVED by HO, SECURITY TRUST (NC 00 7349), OWNER/PERMITTEE sought to add an additional 20 sq. ft. to an existing residence, for the conversion of non- habitable garage space to a guest quarters and to construct a detached 272 sq. ft. garden structure on existing retaining walls. 3 on-site parking spaces would be provided .ff-1292 4-12-00