La Jolla Hills Card 10
LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 10.tif LA JOLLA HILLS f CAr{D #1 O lV Lot 60 & portion of Lot 61- Permit to Al and Susan Lopez to construct a one~story guest house addition to existing single-family dwelling that observes a 2 1 rear yard; guest house addition to observe a O' rear yard where a guest house may be permitted by Conditional Use Permit only. VARIANCE CASE 16510 (A)- To maintain bedroom addition to existing single-family dwelling observing 2 1 rear yard where 20' is required, at 1867 Castellana Road, Zone R-1-8. CASE NUMBER 16510 & (A) TABLED All of Lot 67 and portions of Lots 69 & 70 (Parcels I and 2 of Tentative P.M. 02278)- Permit APPROVED by ZA to WILLIAM F. DEMARCO to use proposed driveway located on proposed Parcel las access to future required parking on proposed Parcel 2 where direct access from a dedicated street is required, at 7610 Hillside Drive, Zone R-1-8. Conditions. C-17568 3-19-82 Portionof Lot 61- Permit GRANTED to WILLIAM KOSTELECKY AND BETRICE KOSTELECKY, individuals, owners; and RICHARD STRAUSS, an individual, permittee, to construct a second dwelling unit on.95 acres, where a dwelling unit now exists, on property located on the south side of Puente Drive between Castellana and Hillside Roads, Zone R-1-8 and +IR. 82-0243 APPEALED= DENIED. DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS UPHELD. 1-18-83 9-28-82