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Development Services

La Jolla Hills Card 4

LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 4.tif LA JOLLA HILLS f'-{7 f- 5 card 4 /Por Lots 58 & 59- Permit to Frnak E & Helen B Blauvelt to remodel exist sing fam res obs 2' side yd on ea side 4 1 req on Ely pare & const new sing fam res on Wly pare per plans on file in Zon Off 7667 Hillside Dr R-1 cond'I AMEND to include addn approx 5'xl2' balcony addn to exist balcony 1% overcoverage 10/9/61 Cases--4 76 & 4 9/8/61 7:l (p9r- Permit to ED McAlister to const 2' to 7' hi retain wall wrth 3' hi solid wood fence above overal I ht 5' to 10' abv grd level obs 1' to 4 1 SB frm Hillside Dr 7601 Hillside Dr R-1 cond'I that no por of struc encr into dedicated st NH Case 4417 9/25/61 Lots 61-63- AGREEMENT 974 to Geo W & Margaret W Hearn to const said res on the above des par Cases 1678 & 1679 2/21/58 Por Lots 21 & 22- AGREEMENT 1028 to John & Joneva Barry to add utility rm to serv adj rumpus rm kitch facilities to exist 12/21 /60 Lot 54- Alan S Dale, Frank N & Mabel Dorland, purchasee, to art studio & dark rm in connection with studio also creative compounding of special art materials, max 4 hrs per day, exc Or across from 7640 Hillside Dr oper pa rt time restoration painting & conservation, on W 3' on N side of Hillside Res 5636 6/27/51 Lot 48- Ewaard & Nancy Cudahy to const bedrm addn J where 5' side yd is req addnto obs 5' side yd to sing fam dwell which obs 3 1 211 side yd 2005 So I edad Ave Case 5440 1/11/63 Lot per 58-60- Kesling Modern Structures to const a sing fam res on above parcel AGREEMENT 803 Res 8382 7/7/54