La Jolla Hills Card 7
LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 7.tif LA JOLLA HILLS (((7 f-> t CAM) #, Por Lot 22 and all Lot 23- Permit to Herschel R, & Ella E. Snodgrass to const c=t approx 350 sq ft front of exist sin fam dwell; gar to obs O' front yd where 15' is req, at 7872 Lookout Dr, betw Blvd, Pl. & Soledad Ave., zone R-1-5; ,;(., '",e: Case/19900 6-9- TO---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- Z.A. considered appl of Dr. Peter & Mrs. Mary Pool to (1) cons tr sin fam dwell obs at clokest pt O' front yd; (2) constr 16 x 32' swim pool obs at closest point 3' front yd; (3) constr 4' x 61 x 46" bi ptlol equipment enclosure- all where 15' front yd is req; and (4) erect approx 107' of 6 hi solid wood fence obs O' front yd where max 3' fence is perm in req 15' front yd at 7750 Lookout Dr betw Soledad Ave & Boulevard Pl, in the R-1-5 Zone and has made tne following decisions: (1) DENIED but APPROVED a min 2' front yd; (2) DENIED but APPROVED SB 20' from edge of pavement; (3) APPROVED; & (4) DENIED but APPROVED a 5' hi fence, condl c-10078 9-11-70 Lot 10, Parcel B of DP 317- Permit to James Rodney Youngson to constr sin fam dwell obs at closest pt 5' front yd where 15' is req & to erect 32' of 8 1 hi garden wall obs at closest pt O' front yd where max 3' wall is perm in req 15' front yd at 7732 Lookout Dr betw Soledad Ave & Boulevard Pl, Zone R-1-5, 12,ntL-,.oL /0-/- 7o c-10100 9-22-10 ~ ~ /4_/:l:7- <.[!~-3J-z,_~------------------------------------------------------