La Jolla Knolls
LA JOLLA KNOLLS.tif LA JOLLA KN,OLLS Lot 6- Permit to susan Emma 'q ~g.s Beachy to build a 4 car private Jo gar within 10' of front p Res 50074 5/13/29 Lot 6- Permit to Fred Corey to alter exist gar to a:ltv unit with no side yd on the S side and a 4' side yd on the N side La Jolla Knoll 100 1 E of Country Club Dr Res 3205 6/4/48 Lot 6- Permit to Fred C yd 1434 La Jolla Knoll & Ruth C Corey to const add approx 14'x50' to exist res 0' Res 4893 8/9/50 side Lot 3 & por Lot 4- Permit land div after zoning & to to G C & Josephine Connell to const sing fam res onparc of reduce rear yd to 14' 7854 Fay St Res 5709 7/25/51 Lot 7- Permit to Martin & Barbara Shapiro to const a 95 sq. ft. laundry room to exs sfd to obs a 10' front yd at 1405 La Jolla Knoll. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14527 NH. 7-14-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------