La Jolla Mesa Vista # 1
LA JOLLA MESA VISTA # 1.tif LA JOLLA MESA VISTA- CARD #I 5., Lots I & 93- h i by I 5 ' I on t Permit to Security Title Ins. & Tr. to erect free-standing walls 4 1 In SB areas; corner Skylark & La Joi la Mesa Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 1591 1-10-58 Lot,,,~~~-~,i,,Jielen S. Johnson DENIED to constr single fam res & garage obs 15 1 rear yd (25 1 req)- Wend Skylark Dr, So of Sandpiper Pl; Zone R-1; APPROVED 18 1 rear yd for res & garage. Case No. 2841 10-2-59---------------------------------~----------------. j i ttUf'' - &JiiiwJ...__ .e________________________ Lot 33- Robt. M. & Patricia C. McCuen DENIED to erect 7' hi cedarwood fence on side property line back of SB; 5551 Warbler Way; Zone R-1. Case No. 3524 8-22-60 Lot 41- Amended application permit Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Ornelas to constr 4 1 hi decorative blk wall across por of front yd obs 6 1 SB where 12 1 SB estab; 1053 Skylark Dr betw Warbler Way & Skylark Pl; Zone R-1; Condi. Case No. 4721 2-23-62 Lot 46- Permit DENIED Ors. Lawrence L. & Margaret Siems to constr 35' x 13' rumpus rm & workshop addn to exist single fam res; addn to obs 20' rear yd where 25 1 req; 971 Skylark Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 4794 3-30-62 I ' Lot 84- Permit to Louis B. & Erma S. Besbeck to constr single fam res w/garage to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' req for por & 25' req for por; Ladybird Lane, Nly of Skylark Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 5127 8-10-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------