La Jolla Pacifica #1 Card 1
LA JOLLA PACIFICA #1 CARD 1.tif Card #1 l\1P7-$ j Lots I & 5 Permit to Ardee Builders to move IP 1'x20' temp bldg onto Lot I & maintain c:2. temp sales off & const shack therein for 60 days; when const use gar on Lot 5 for perm tract sales off for lyr to exp 6/22/62 on Soledad Mt Rd R-1-C ~ond'I NH Case 4185 6/22/61 Lot 43- P rmit to Ardee Builders to erect & maintain for I yr to expire 6/22/62 one sing faces uni ighted postmounted 5'x10 1 subdivision sign advertis homes for sale in new sub Soledad Mt Rd R-1-C cond'l NH Case 4186 6/22/61 Lots 2-5 & 41- Permit to Ardee Builders to use new res for model homes with one 2'x3 1 model identifying sign on ea lot for lyr to exp 6/22/62 on Soledad Mt R R-1-C cond'l NH Case 4184 6/22/61 Lot 10- Permit to Mr & Mrs of lot with or of fence to adj ground level on Lot 10 Barry M Guinn to erect 6 1 high sol id wood fence around part be on an exist 3' high bank for a height of 7 1 & 1 above avg 5580 Soledad Mt Rd Sly of Paseo Mirado R-1-C Lot 35-- Permit to San Diego Unified School District to const on lot (Joseph Pendleton Elementary School) at intersection of Pacifica Dr R-1-C cond'I ext to 12/8/65 (12/3/62) 3 yr ext to exp 12/8/68 to above Case 4947 (11/10/65) 3 r ext to ex 12/8/71 12/9 Por- See PL 1779 for details Case 4773 2/28/62 elementary schoolpant Soledad Mountain Rd & CUP Case 4947 6/8/62 la.- trJ-74) Lot 27- Permit to Dr. & Mrs. S. Belote to constr. detached recreation bldg. on lot with exist. single fam. dwell. Zone R-1-10;5403 Avenida Fiesta AGREEMENT 1689 with bar sink 6-16-71