La Jolla Palisades #1 Card 1
LA JOLLA PALISADES #1 CARD 1.tif---~.---~. LA JOLLA PALI SADES NO 3 ~ {,(o > ca rd 1 Lot 3 & NW 20 1 Lot 4- Permit to La Joi la Pa 1 J i sades, by Gi I bert J Martin, Pres to bui Id' Cf as perm under R-lC regulation S 629 9/10/59 SE 54' Lot 4 & NW 45' Lot 5- Permit to La Jolla Palisades to build as permitted under R-1-C regulation S 630 9/10/59 SE 25' Lot S & all Lot 6- Permit to La Jolla Palisades to build as permitted under RI-C zoning S 631 9/10/59 Lot 11 & N 24' Lot 12- Permit to La Jolla Palisades, by Gilbert J Martin, Pres to build as permitted under R-1-C zoning S 632 9/10/59 S 46 1 Lot 12 & N 47' Lot 13- Permit to La Jolla Palisades to build as permitted under R-1-C zonimg S 633 9/10/59 S 23' Lot 13 & all Lot 14- Permit to RE Hannel to build as permitted under R-1-C zoning S 634 9/10/59 Lot 30- Permit to Fred & Amy M Seltzer to const sing fam re~ obs 9' rear yd 25' req at 1696 Bahia Vista Way R-1-C cnd'l Case 2756 8/21/59 Lot 65- Permit to Ed Norris to erect 3' high 3'x6' freestanding sign at rear of lot S side cul de sac on Paseo,Bonita R-1-C for 6 mos to exp 4/1/60 Case 2817 9/18/59 Lot 23- Permit to Martin "'onstruction Co to const sing fam res & gar obs 15' Sb from Wly edge of lot alg Rutgers Rd- (20' reg) R-1-C Case 3058 1/22/60 Lot 24- Permit to La Jolla Palisades to const sing fam res & gar obs 15' BB frm Ru~gers Rd 20' re NE cor Bahia Vista Wa & Rut ers Rd R-1-C. Case 306 1/22/60 Lots 17 & I- Permit to Sessions Develop Co & Richard oodward to adj lines betw lots 5635 Rutgers R-1-C Certificate of Survey on file in Plan Off Case 3302 4/22/60 Lot 43- Permit to Robert M & Roberta R Spilane to const sing fam res & gar;9ar to obs 13' rear yd (20' reg) 1587 Overhill Dr SW cor Rutgers Rd & overhill R-1-C Case 3733 12/23/60