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Development Services

La Jolla Palisades Block2

LA JOLLA PALISADES BLOCK2.tif,.,,. f' '' ,"~' -_.~- r ~ LA JOLLA PAf\ BLOCK 2,, Lot 14 & N f of Lot 15 & S of 15 & all of 16- Permit to to const two 4 unit apt bldgs each on 1 lots with eaves cout area E side of Olivetas St S of Pearl St 0 d Preston and Robert C atts extending 2'3" into req access Lots 1-13- Permit to Social Service League of La Jolla Inc. to for the elderly, SE cor Pearl & Olivetas Ave., Zone R-3. CUP Res 2642 11/5/47 const & oper housing facil.lty 435-PC 8-13-75------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19- Center Addition- ZA APPROVED with respect to Itesm 1, 2, 3 and 4; DENIED as requested, but APPROVED Items 5 and 7 with .said improvements to obs. a 5/-4" street side yard setback; and DENIED Item No. 6, request of ROY RESNIKOFF to construct a second-story addiition to an existing, nonconforming, one-story, single-family dwelling obs. (1) an 18'-9" front yard where 20' is required; (2) a 5'-4" street side yard where 10' is required; (3) a 4'-7" side yard where 6 1 is required; and (4) a 6' rear yard where 15' is required. In addition, to maintain the following: (5) 28 1 of max. 7 1-2 11 high solid fencing located within the required street side yard; (6) an existing wooden trellis obs. a 2'-7" front yard where 20' is required; and (7) an existing wooden trellis obs. a O' street side yard where 10' is required, located at 1104 Pearl Street, R-10000 Zone, Coastal Zone and Coastal Height Limitation Zone, La Jolla Community Planning Area, Council District 1. Conditions. C-20986 7/31/92-----------------------------------------------------------------------------