La Jolla Park Block 1
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 1.tif- '.---.~~--,--,.,..,,..,,.---~ ~,-,LA JelLA PARK BLOCK I N 125' Zoning suspended L J Holding Co for club bldg Res 39837 11/29/26 S 5' of Blk I & por PL 1260- Condi permit to Palmer Hughes to const 2 fam res on lot with 22.5' st frontage N end of Vista Del Mar Ave 100' N of Marine St Res 3877 5/12/49 Por- Permit to White Sands Bldg Corp, Inc to oper shops in hotel, some with entrances off of parking lot 7450 01 ivetas cond'l Res 9114 8/17/55 Por- Permit to white Sands Bldg Corp, Inc to maintajn exist gate post sign with 3' SB 4 1 x4 1 x8 1 611 high 7450 01 ivetas Res 9115 8/17/55 Por Lot 1- Permit to So Calif Presuy Homes of White Sands of La Jolla to erect 2 signs at entrance at 7450 Olivetas Ave (Case 1006) and to obs 0 1 setback where 15' is req Case 1007 2/15/57 / Por- Permit to Ronald L. and Barbara M. (1) to obs 7' int sd yds; (2) to obs 18' lot at 7470 Olivetas Avenue. R-3 Zone. BZA sustains ZA's decision 10-5-77, Gundy to const a four-story, five-unit apt bldg.: rear yard; (3) to provide access over adjacent Conditions. 7-26-77. <2-l~"IBI,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------