La Jolla Park Block 16 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16 CARD 2.tif.. card 2 LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16-Lots 38 & 39- Permit to J W Tarnowski to oonst 11 unit apt bldg 9 units to have 9' access cou~ measured from balconies & stairs approx 4' ~ide 332 Prospect St l (' Case 198 1/14/55 Lot 20 & 21 (N)- Permit to Estate of Hay Balfe, owner & Mary Judd Mikel, pur to make addns to exist bldgs having 2' side yd 0' rear yd making 7 units on prop 5 off st parking spaces 259 Coast Blvd R-4 cnd'I ' Res 9244 10/14/55 Por Lot 18- Permit to Mrs Edith C Ridout to const addn to res on par with 0' st fr 277 Coast Blvd R-4 cond'l Res 9311 11/23/55- Por Lot 18- Permit to Mr Edith C Ridout to const addn to res having 0 1 side y~ the addn having reg side yd 277 Coast Blvd Res 9312 11/23/55 Por Lot 18- Permit to Edith C Ridout for 6 mos ext to Res 9312 to const addn to exist res having O' side yd the addn to obs 3' side yd 277 Coast Blvd R-4 Case 496 5/18/56 S 25' Lot 21 & all Lot 22- Permit to Chas E Carpenter to const 12 unit bldg with 58% coverage (50% perm) 245 Coast B 1 vd R-4 cond' 1 Case 1891' 6/13/58 Lot 30 & Ely I.20'Lot 18- Permit to John M & Melanie Shedd & Aime & Jeanne Chabrier owners DENIED to convert exist sing fam unit to triplex, making 9 units on parcel, i/ with 1 exist unit 0' rear yd & 1' side yd 1 obs 2.82' side yd, & exist unit being converted 1811 side yd 250 Prospect St R-4 Case 3582 9/30/60 Lots 5-8- Victoria C Graham, aka Vic H Crowell,, Richard L Bloch & Donald Pitt J purch, to ronst 57 unit 11 sty apt bldg, main struc to obs al I yd req(l:aconies result in 55.2% cov DENIED) 2 level, part undergrd gar covng 74.5% of lot obs O' side yd & 10' rear yd Alm.OVED Coast Blvd S betw La Jolla Btivd bet b Jail a 81 od & Prospect St R-4 cond' 1 ' Case 4501 11 /3/61