La Jolla Park Block 19
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 19.tif LA JOLLA P.ABK BLOCIC 19 Lota 3-20- Permit to 'l't1e Bianop' School Upon 'l't1e Scripps Foundation to operate and Untain an exist'private acbool and to c00Str an4 opel!8te 1144n recreatioaal tacil1tiea, locatecl on.:,tbe s a14e ot Proapect st.between La Jolla Bvd aad Draper Ave. Zollea B-3 and M-1. Alao Lota 1-24, BU. 18, lots 26-37, Blk. 13, Lota l-8, 12113,41,"2,45,46, Blk 12. ~~t~1...:!l-.$_Q_~-~-!:J..__ ~_;-_J~~2---===~=~---