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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 20 Card 2

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 20 CARD 2.tif IA JOI.I.A fARK BLOCK 29 CARDH2 Dita 12 lk 13 & por of alley & Revina St. clad adJ- Request withdrawn to const carports tor 12 autClllObiles to eerve mating 12 unit apt bldg on premises result in approx 51.% coverap where nax 50% coverage ia perm. Can #74'i2. 10-20-6.5------------------------------------------------- Por of Ravfna Street closed- Permit to Cfty of San Diego and La Jolla Commercial Asso- ciates to use property for a parking lot to serve the Post Office Carrier Station on property adjoining to the south In the 7600 Block of Draper Avenue. R-3 Zone. Conditions. 3-22-77. C-14155.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S1 ly 20.0 1 of Lot 5, all of Lot 6 and n'ly 5.0' of Lot 7, Map #352- Permit DENIED by ZA to Kei_th Gregory to construct a 4-unit 2-story apartment building to result in 55% lot coverage where 50% is the maximum permitted, at 7629 Draper Avenue, Zone R3,_____________ C~SE NO_. 1.6342 10-12_-7._.9..____