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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 21

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 21.tif LA JOLLA PARK Lots 24, Permit to Hazel A. Aker, omier, maintain a veterinary nospital, BLOCK 21_. (and Dr. A.P, Cascinai, lessee, to establisn overnignt care, 833 Kline St. DENIED. Res.5482 5-2-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 24, Hazel A. Aker, owner, Dr. A.P. Cas~inai, appealed to CC, ZC decision sustained. CC Res.102395 5-24-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------r----- Lots 19-20, Permit to Carl & Ruth Gewalt, owners, H.E. Mann, lessee to operate cabinet snop at 7638 Fay Ave., cond'l. Res.7085 1-7-53 Lot 12- Permit to Western Lumber Co to use lot for storage & sale of sacked cement & masonry products (to be used in connec with adj M-1 per.of property) Fay Ave betw Pearl & Kline S-C, Case 1632 1/31/58 eor blks 20 & 21- REZONE por from R-4 to S-C located on both sides.of Eads Ave betw Kline & Ravina Sts clsd & is hereby FILED Res 167523 9/7/61 Lots 1-6- P rmit to La Jolla Visiting Nurse Assn, Howard L Glasgow, Virginia Williams & Eva Mae Beatty owners; 1 F Jones & Loren T Halverstadt, purchasers, to const three story apt houseobs 20'. SB from E ds Ave where averg of block 25' is req SE cor Kline St & Eads Ave~ R-4 cond'I Case 6548 6/4/64 Lots 12, 13 & 14, Variance was apprm.-ed with conditions, LOUIS A. CRESCENZO TRUST requested to installa 10' high, 8' wide tenant identification ground sign t:o identify uses within an existing retail where the La Jolla Commercial anc. Industrial Sign Control District allows no grour.d signs on... site whE,re buildings do not observe a 20' front setback at 7592-7614 Fay ".,_J\venue, zone 3 C-2).367 5-).0-96