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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 22

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 22.tif_,,. tA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 22 A Lots 17 & 18- Permit to W H & Isabel Geis, owners & E F Hutton & co"Te'ssee to const!'c) 20'5"xl5" plexiglass faced inner lighted sign attach to top of canopy approx 7' fr face of bldg 7616 Girard Ave S-C Case 3328 S/6/60 Por Lots 1-4- Classification of Use- DENIED Trampoline center E side'of Fay Ave S of Kline St CC 159560 5/17/60 S 4 1 of W 80 1 fo Lot 3 & W 80' Lot 4- Permit to Robert Martin, owner & La Jolla Moving & Storage, lessee to operate furniture & household goods stor without off st leading area 7651 Fay St S-C cond'l Case 3423 6/24/60 Lots 26 & 27- Permit to Lion Clothing Co, Inc to install & mnt signs on both sides & rear of bldg as fol lows: N,. side- total 60 sq ' (orig req 50 sq') (word "Lion" and lion insignia); S side- same; W side(rear)- same; all signs cutout letters, non-ii~ luminated, where signs max of 50 sq ft on front face of bldg is perm 7650 irard Ave betw Kline & Pearl Sts S-C con' I Case 6326 /8/64 Lots 5 & 6 E 60' Lots 1-4, Lots 28-32-nPermi t DENIED to M s Gordon R La;frence (E 60' Lots 1-4), James A Winn (Lots 5 & 6) & Bank of America (Lots 28-32) owners, & Bank of America, lessee, to maintain 10 existing 2'9"xl'6" 10' high free standing double facd unlighted parking lot directional signs where permitted signs must be attached to the face of the bid 680 Girard Ave & Kline St s-e Case 7164 6/ /65 ABOVE APPEALED & GRANTED & THE decision of the Z A overruled I cond'l 7/9/ 5 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to LC Graf to erect and maintain the following signs on prop_('l} Olile 3'x4' unlighted wall sign perpendicular to face of bldg attached to cor of Graf's Fur Store (2) I 3'x4' unlighted attached to perpendicular to face of bldg attached to cor of "Boy's Towne" Store (3) one 4 1 xJ611 uni ighted sign in arcade suspended from roof, sign to adv Marinella Boutique and Carousel Cafe at rear of prem where l wall sign ea place of business Case 8325 9/21/67