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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 51 Card 2

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 Ely 50' L ts 1-3- Permit granted to duplex to not more than 2 architect's fence, at the 1200 block on Cave Ave card 2 Frederick D Johnson, to convert an exist and/or attorney's offices, and permanent Res 5127 11/15/40 Lots 12-14 & por ~5- Permit to Luella Koons to erect group of stores & offices with entrances on Ivanhoe & Silverado, Ely side Ivanhoe betw Cave & Silverado Pl Res 7381 2/13/53 Lots 16 & 17- Permit to Wall St of La Jolla Corp (Bank of La Jolla) to develop & maintain.,parcel as parking lot for bank building to be const in R-C zone adj Wand Christian Science Church located in R-2 zone adj E Bank now located at 1250 Prospect St in S-C zone where parking on same lot for permitted ases is req on Silverado St betw Ivanhoe Ave & Prospect Pl R-2 cond'l Amended 6/4/64 Case 6434 5/6/64 S Lot 33- Permit to Wall St of La Jolla corp to use par for contractor's storage yd & use exist res for contractor's off in connec with const of bank bldg Lots 4-7 adj; & upon completion of bank bldg, install pkng lot & maintain pkng area as ext of pkng lot perm on Lots 16 & 17 adj (See Case 6434) 1225-27 Cave St betw Ivanhoe Ave & Exchange Pl R-2 cond'I Case 7510 12/23/65----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-3- Permit to 5outhland Savings & Loan Assoc to const commercial bldg on premises obs 0' SB on Cave St where avge SB of blk to a max of 15' is req & maintain open pkng to prop I ine adj to Cave St 7871 Ivanhoe at SE cor Cave St & Ivanhoe St R-C cond'I See L-345 Case 7920 11/3/66