La Jolla Park Block 51 Card 3
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 card 3 Lots 12-14 & por Lot 15- 6 mos ext to Luella Koons to erect group 'of stores & offices on Ely side Ivanhoe betw Cave & Silverado Pl Res 7851 10/28/53 Lots 12-14 & por Lot 15- 2nd & final ext to Luella Koons ABOVE Res 8136 4/14/54 Lots 12-14 & por Lot 15- FINAL ext to Luella Koons ABOVE Res 8679 12/22/54 Ely 50' Lots 1-3- Permit to FD Johnson to conv exist gar into apt, making 4 units on the prop & maintain 5'411 betw bldgs 3' rear yd & 8 1 2" access ct for apt a ove gar 1215 Cave St Res 8761 2/16/55 Lots 16 & 17- Permit DENIED to G W Pardy to const accessory bldg on Silverado betw Ivanhoe & Exchange Pl & provide off st parking for bus in adj RC zone Case 1417 9/13/57 Lot 29- Permit to Boris & Nina Zalessky dba Berlitz School of Church of Christ Scientist La Jolla, owner, to conduct school to 9:30 PM 5 days wk, max 10 inst & 100 students. 1255 Cave St approv unlighted sign now exist in front of bldg Languages, lessee, & 4th of languages betw 8:30 AM R-2 zone DENIED lighted sign Case 2880 10/23/59 AMEND: to permit 1 indirect lighted sign 37"xl4" over all dimension, inside front window subdued lighting to expire 6/30/62 Case 2880 5/24/60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 31- Permit to Mr & Mrs Joseph P Ferraris to encl porch & alter & remodel interior obs a I 1 yd req, 1 ocated with guest house obs 4' rea.r yd & 3' fron r.e,s to be a I tered at 1239 Cave St R-2 Case 4806 3/19/62 i