La Jolla Park Block 52 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 52 CARD 2.tif_.,..,,,.....- -. LA JOLLA. PARl BLOCK 52 7_ tot 13- Pel'lllit DENIED Hel.l.mth- Jackson, lessee, {99 year lease) t.o install and maintain parking lot on par for use in connec with uaage on Lot 5,- Block 52, on north aide ot RoalJ,n Lane at 12.37 Prospect St. at 1228 Cave St., S side Roslyn Lane, 150' east of Ivanhoe Ave., Zone R-4. Cue #5472 2-20-6.3 Lot 13- ABOVE APPEALED AND DEJJIED.._ Decision of z. A. sustained & affirmed. Case #5472 4-2-63------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 13- Permit DENIED Hellmuth & Jackson to install & maintain parking lot (99 Tl' lease) on Lot 13, Block 52, La Jolla. Park, at 1228 Cave st. in the R-4 Zone, where comnercial parking is not perm; said parking lot to be used in connec with re- tail shope on Lot 5 Block 52, at 1237 Prospect St. (See C-5472) and baa further imposed the following req. Taht aid lot shall be aubstanti~ barricaded ia- aediatel.7, eliminating ar17 possibility- of vehicular parking. cue #6042. 11-18-63-------------------------------------------~- Pora of Lota 12 & Lot 13- Permit to Hellmuth & Jackson (99 Tl' lease) & Christine Carroll, owner to const 4 dwelling units on parcels having no frontage on a dedicated St. but served b7 Roslyn Lane, a ne,ed dedicated alley, said canst to consist of a duplex on Por of lot 12 & a duplex on Por of Lot 13, on Rosl.7n Ln, betw Ivanhoe Ave. & Prospect st., R-4 Zone. Case #62.88 2-20-64