La Jolla Park Block 55 Card 3
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 55 CARD 3.tif ';;.:-j6r.tA ~p.. o~::-33_;~;8f:;;~;~7)~LCX~J(35I-Jf te 4.. e--Jk#;J F'~~ur l1r3t;b'.:wu..,-0'{-P.,Ju.Jp 3-1-'ir:2 (.:i.-g---.-,o).124 i; ~ ei'-1- ~- (.2-.2..l-7s) I ~ 16, 17 & Por u::it 15- Permit to Roger R. Revelie, ownc?f, and Barbara T, Col, le le. to maintain book shop perm by C-4529 where multiple units are perm; at 780 Pros!> 8c St "'--'..._,betw Ead__,s Ave & Silverado St, Zone R-4 Condl. Ext l yr 3-1-70 (2-18-69)~'.'b~,: C . <. /5"(., (..?!-/, 7/ (,,:,,5 7 <'.>). ' Case #8556,,3168 c~-i~ 'if -.i.4ci.,-~-~-l~t.;.'Z~f.?-.-!:l'.:?J..(~l...v."t:.~...k.-~.-!-~:.t.tC.!:.ii;?..',J~~,;,.:L:Z'i!~:i-.:ZJ). u::i{31- Z.A. considered the app of Anthony's Fish Grotto (Partnership) to erect a new double-faced sign, 40 sq ft in area, to replace the exist sign which is at right angle to the face of the bldg; new signwill be 1110ved back to prop line and will nto encro on pub prop, at 886 Prospect St., at intersec of Fay Ave., Zone SC, and has DENIED the app as presented, but APPROVEDan 8 sq f't sign which may either be suspended from t the canopy or post-mounted back of the edge of the c&DOpy either sign to be parallel with the st. Appealed to zoning appeals board \Ip held Z.A. Case #8433 10-8-68 u::it 31- Above case was appealed to City Council and Council APPROVED applicant to erect a free-standing, doubled-faced sign obs no SB with a surface area not to exceed 8 sq f't on each face with a max. height of 8 1 from ground level to the apex of' the sing at 886 Prospect St. SC Zone ~es.195550 Filed.i.l.-13-69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lotll (Por.), Lot 12- Request of Freda Falter to canst a I-story 11 1-611 x 28' bedr and sewing rm addn to a nonconf sfd; obs 4 1-911 rear yard and 4'-10" front yd at 7871 Eads St., R-3 Zone. DENIED. C-14059- 1-31-77, 8z.A.,... G...'.,,z.1/'-,,.. ob < '4,~........3-.30-77--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 22- Permit to Jose Tasende to const and operate a PCD on the northwest side of PProspect Street betw Eads and Fay Avenues. CN Zone. PCD #42. 1-23-78.-----------------------------.---------------------------------.--..---------------------