La Jolla Park Block 59 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 59 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 59 CARD #2 Lots 22-23, Permit to Ruth I. move in duplex-& studio over gars obs all yd req exist duplex obs approx 2' side yd & 4' rear yd; exist unit obs approx 2' side yd, I' rear yd & served by 81 access ct. 1188-1202 Prospect St. Zone SC. N.H. Case #4315 8-J-61 Lot 10, Permit to Mrs. Florence Riford to const 4th floor I-unit addn to exist 3 story 3 unit bldg & to const elevator shaft to obs 0' sideyd on S side & having 2' ac- cess ct to st; cover approx 51% of parcel; exist bldg obs 2' sideyd frm 6 1 alley & stair access opening into 2' sideyd, 1133 Coast Blvd, R-4 (50% cover perm & 5' sideyd & JO' access ct req, 6 mos ext to exp 11-17-62) condl. Case #4424 10-6-61 9-29-61 SB variance not necessary to canst elevator shaft addn to obs 4 1 SB frm Coast Blvd due to revision of plans. Case #4423 9-29-61 Lots 19 & 20 Permit to Mr. Jack Heimburge to const 3 unit apt over commercial bldg, apts to obs 3' ~ sideyd, where 41 sideyd is req, at 1162 Prospect St., SC Zone Case #4750 2-9-62 ")---o----.----1-------------------------------------------------------------;---------- ~~ LotsP~rii~n-0 btNIAL of CUP of THOMAS M. KELLY-Owner & LA JOLLA FINANCIAL, INC.-Permittee, ~~ to constr & oper private athletic club at N. of Prospect St. betw Ivanhoe Ave. & Cave St., \:: I~me R-3, 449-PC 9-9-76 <;,lft:~:-:;;;:~""2:--:::,:_-v:;,-c;,------------=~~~~-=-------------------------, ~~. /.Z-3