La Jolla Park Block 59 Card 3
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 59 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA P.m BLOCK 59. S 100 1 exeept E 45' of Lot 12- Permit DEIIIED to Nicholas & Aapaaia Menas to main"tain 4 non-contol'llling signs; (l) 3' x 6 1 double-face neon lighted roof' sign approx 51 above roof; (2) 2 1 x 4' lighted sign on side of bldg, perpendicular to st; (3) 6 sq. tt. unlighted sign on side of' bldg perpendicular to at; (4) sign att to awning u.tending t'rom hotel entry; at lllO Pro1Jpect St., La Jolla., Zone SC. s._e;~ue No. 4 Case No. 8349 10-4-67 Lot 19- Permit t.o Universal Boot Shop to maintain an unlighted l x 8 1 wall sign on side of ' bldg where signe are not perm on side of bldg at ll62 Prospect St., La Jolla, ZOAe SC. Case No. 837.5 10-27-67____________,____________,______------- Por.Lot 17- Permit to Jo Anne Smith Irwin, owner & Robert J. & Nola D. Pierce, lessees, to maintian 1 1 x 8 1 sign painted on awning parallel to and 8 1 distance from face or bldg were sign must be att to face or bldg, at 1146 Prospect st., Zone SC. Case No. 8397 11-15-67---------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot 17- Permit to Jo Anne Smith Irwin, owner & Kenneth Brown Jewelers, A Calif. Corp., lessee to maintain exist 21 x 8 1 sign att to marquee were signs att to face or bldg only are perm, at 11-44 Prospect St., betw Girard Ave. & Cave St., Zone SC. Case No. 8398. ll-15-67--------------------------------------------------Lot 34- Permit DENIED to Harold w. Croaby & Dirk C. Kok, owners & Maurice & Barbara Roy, leisaees to maintain 2i' x 3', unlighted, double-faced sign, suspended from eave & perpendi- cular to face or bldg where sign must be parallel to and att to race of bldg, at 1292 Prospect St., Zone SC. Case No. 8390