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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 7 Card 2

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif--..,...._.,.-~ If JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 Lots 5 & 6- Permit DENIED to Thos L Shepherd to use the rear45' as private parking lot 7459 /Fay Ave R-2 APPEAL C0NDITIIINALLY GRANTED 12/3/58 Case 2067 10/3/58 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Thomas L & Ruth Shepherd (as amended) to develop as supplemental parking faci I ity for use of tenants, employees & patrons of commercial bldg located in the > I R-C zone immediately adj on Lots 22-30 at 7400 blk Fay Ave betw Pearl St & Genter St R-2 zone cond'l Case 9121 3/17/69 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Thomas L & Ruth Shepherd to const 381 x44 1 nursery school bldg containing 2 classrooms and incidental areas providing minimum of 6 off st parking spaces where public schools & residential units are permitted at 7427 f.ay Ave betw Pearl St & Genter St. zone R-2 cond'l Case 9122 3/17/69, Lots 5 & 6- Permit to H s Beeks to develop as off st parking facility to serve coniinercial activity on adjacent Lots 1-4 E side of~ ve betw_Jearl S}& G nter St R-2 cor:i_!tJ-~ Ex of time to XJ>.-IZ-7-I-z:;n_- 7J ~~i"'ase 91 /1 I-- S') Lots 24-30- Permit to Thomas Shepne to erect one-~i sq 1-t.;a.ID sign iag 'to al s g~.,,-.7'6 area on the premises total 73.7x sq ft wnere 5/10 sq ft sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage of the premises is perm (62.5 sq ft perm) at 7458 Girard Ave. betw Pearl & ~nter Sts., ZoneRC. C-9962 7-15-70 Lot 23- CLASSIFICATION OF USE to D.E. Becker- upnolstered furniture sales & repair snop proposed to be located at 7440-BGirard in tne RC zone. Res. 201119 10-29-70 ('_ 9/5 7-..,,t&.Zl..2,Yj'-1 "-1-.-,;-?&,(-'f-?S) G- 9 I 'i- 7- + 66 ~-'