La Jolla Park Block 7 Card 4
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 CARD 4.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 Lots 7 & 8- ZA considered request dated Oct. 2, 1984 for AMENDMENT to C-9121 & C-9157, dated 3/17/69 & amended and extended, which permitted (C-9121) development of Lots 7 & 8 as supplemental parking facility for use of tenants, employees & patrons of commercial bldg. located adjacent on Lots 22 thru 30; (C-9157) develop Lots 5 & 6 as off-street parking facility to serve commercial activity on adjacent Lots I thru 4, subj. to cond. located at the SE corner of Fay Ave. & Pearl St., Zones C & R-3000; & does AMEND permission to permit COL. H. S. BEEKS, owner: HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOC., lessee to include construction of a 3-story apartment bldg on Lots 7 & 8 with access to Lots 5 & 6 to be permitted thru Lots 7 & 8 where direct access is reqd & parking on Lots 5 & 6 to be in conjunction with commercial use, subj to cond. C-9121 & C-9157 11 /29/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------