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Development Services

La Jolla Park (Resub. Villa Tract)Block B Card 2

LA JOLLA PARK (RESUB. VILLA TRACT)BLOCK B CARD 2.tif e.1-.. "'A# <11. , ~ "'I---- ~ ""' ...... -. ~-- "' "' ~- ~- ~ "'-'"',. LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TMC't (RESUB) ~"1~- BLOCK B......... '...-...-All of Lots 9 and 10 and Portion of Lot II- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to CHARLES P. ~ AND GALE L~ LAZZARO to convert an existing guest house to a garage on a lot with an existing single- family dwelling; existing guest house observes a O' front yard on Ludington Place and garage will observe a O' front yard where 15' is required, located at 7723 Ludington Place, Zone R-1-8. Conditions. C-18049 6-10-83 Lots 6 & 7- HOWARD B. & JOAN C, WIENER- to erect 113 1 of 6 1 hi stucco fence; 74; of said fence to be located.cin the reqd. front yard, observing 5' front yard at closest point, where a maximum 3' hi fence is permitted in the reqd. front yard at 7755 Ludington Place, Zone R-1-8 DENIED by Zoning Administrator. C-18340 3/7/84 Lot 4- AGREEMENT with BRENDA BAKER & STEPHEN BAUM to const. a remodel of existing den with 1 plumbing facilities & outside access at 7767 Ludington, Zone Rl-8000. AGREE #3411 12/13/85 Lot 12 and portion of Lot 11- ZA APPROVED request of ROBERT E. & NANCY D. DRONEMYER, OWNERS to maintain 110 of the 6' high wall and wrought iron gate at the northwest corner of the, property between the main house & 2-story residential structure attached to the garage, with conds. at the northeast corner of Soledad Ave. & Ludington Place in the Rl-8000 zone. ' 1 C-19657 7/31/87-----------------------------------------------------------------