La Jolla Park (Resub. Villa Tract)Block D Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK (RESUB. VILLA TRACT)BLOCK D CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA PA.RI VILLA TR.ACT (RESUB) Block D, Lot 7 (Re-Sub of V.T.) Residence- Gar to P.L. Whitefield Pl. t\-~ Granted to ~ Laura. M. Sikes Res.62500 1-8-.35-----------------------------------------------------------Lot 9=- Permit (Condl) to Robert. C. Marstella.r to const add to exist res, a.d.d to observe & por of' Blk L) 11' rear,cl. where 25' req, at 7605 Whitefield Pl.________________________________._______-_________________ Caae_/16J.5__________ J:27-Sf,____ Lot 6- Permit to James Rodney Youngson & Sydney Ashton Youngson to_const 2story sinfam dwell with bay window obs 19' rearyd where 20 1 req & cover 44% of the lot where max 40% cov perm & to const approx JOO' of 8 1 hi free standing wall obs O' sldeyd where max 6 1 hi wall Is perm, 5700 blk of Whitefi~ld Pl, Zone R-1-5, cond'l C-13631 N.H. 4-30-76-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 2-4 & Por B~k L- Permit to Paul & Michele Ellingsen to const approx 13' x 22' carport addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 0' frontyd same as exist dwell where 15' req, 7757 Whitefield Pl, Zone R-1-5, C-13630 s-20.... 76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 4- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ellingsen to constr 15' of free-stand concrete blk wall, 4 1-611 hi obs a O' front yd at the closest point where max 3' hi wall is perm in 15' front yd at 7757 Whitefield Place, Zone R-1-5. CONDITIONS C-13,863 NH 8-20-76 Parcel I of P.M. 1535- Permit to James Rodney and Sydney Ashton Youngson (I) to const a three-st, sfd 1 09s at closest P_t a 0 1 fy and (2) to const an II' high entrance gate structure 9bs.O int sd yd at the 7700 block or Whitefield Place. Zone R-1-5 C-14203 4- I 9- 77......._ -::_~-:--_----____.;._.:_~-::-.::---:_----_-_-_-~:-~-~~---,..---------------"'.'"-:~--~-~-...-:-----:-_--:..--_:--:~---~----_- ".